5. Adding an Access Rule

5. Adding an Access Rule

If you want to restrict which users can use NoahFace Go, you need to create an access rule. To do this, select the Rules menu and then press the + Add rule button. Then set:

  • Rule name to “Mobile Access”.
  • Access point to your mobile access point (eg: “Mobile Access”).
  • Rule members to your user group (eg: “Mobile Users”, “Managers”, etc).

If you don’t have an existing group you can use, your options are as follows:

  • If you are using NoahFace stand-alone (ie: not integrated with a payroll system), you can create a new group within NoahFace and maintain the group membership within NoahFace.
  • If you are using NoahFace integrated with a payroll system that supports mapping groups to NoahFace (eg: UKG Ready, Microkeeper), you can create a group within your payroll system and maintain group membership within your payroll system.
  • If you are using NoahFace integrated with a payroll system that does not support mapping groups to NoahFace (eg: KeyPay, Payroll Metrics, ELMO Payroll), you will need to add individual users to your access rule (instead of a group).

You will also need to edit the default “All Access” rule so that it only grants access to your non-mobile access points. To do this:

  • Select Edit next to your “All Access” rule.
  • Set the Access Point Type to only reference your kiosk Access Point Type.
  • Set the Access Points to only reference your kiosk Access Points.

NB: If all users in your organisation are going to have access to NoahFace Go, you can skip this step completely as the default “All Access” rule will permit access.