On the Reports page you can create and view management reports. Under My reports , you can view reports that you have created, and under All reports you can view reports that others have created and shared with you.
To create a new report, press the Add Report button, provide a name, and select the type of report to base your report on. Managers and System Administrators can optionally choose to share their reports with others.
To view an existing report or to adjust its filtering options, simply click on its name.
There are four base report types:
The Access Summary report is used for Access Control applications. It shows the number of times each user has been granted access or denied access to a door or doors using NoahFace, as well as the last time they attempted access.
You can filter the Access Summary report by site, access point, group, user role (ie: visitors, staff, or all), and date range:
The Attendance Summary report is used for Time and Attendance applications. It shows the number of days each user recorded (and did not record) their attendance using NoahFace.
You can filter the Attendance Summary report by site, access point, group, user role (ie: visitors, staff, or all), and date range:
The Pay Cycle report is used for Time and Attendance applications to calculate the hours worked by each employee in a pay cycle. This would typically be used when NoahFace is not integrated with your payroll system.
Select Hours = Daily to show the number of hours worked each day by each employee:
In this case, each employee will appear multiple times in the report – once for each day they worked.
If an employee clocked in and out multiple times, the hours will reflect the cumulative hours worked that day. If they only clocked out that day, it is assumed they clocked in the previous day and their hours start from midnight. Similarly, if they only clocked in that day, it is assumed they clocked out the next day and their hours end at midnight.
Select Hours = Total to show the total number of hours worked over the entire pay cycle by each employee:
In this case, each employee will appear only once in the report.
Select Hours = Period to show each period of work separately. This is useful if you want to assign costs to customers or cost centres:
In this case, each employee may appear on the report multiple times each day, and you will see the assigned customers or cost centers on each period of work.
You can filter the Pay Cycle report by: site, group, user, and date range:
You can also apply rounding rules (eg: rounding times to the nearest 5 minutes) and automatically deduct time for breaks (eg: lunch breaks) when users do not clock out and back in for their breaks.
The Site Summary report is used for Time and Attendance and Visitor Registration applications. It summaries which employees and visitors are currently on site, and is often used to determine if all employees and visitors have left a site at the end of the day or in the event of an evacuation.
It is possible to filter the Site Summary report to show only employees and visitors that are on-site, only employees that are off-site, or all activity:
As well as viewing reports on screen, it is possible to export and email them using the Export and Email buttons at the top of each report.
You can choose to export and email addresses in either CSV (Comma Separated Value) or PDF (Portable Document Format) formats.
When emailing reports you can specify multiple email addresses by comma separating them.
Note: Support for PDF is only available to customers with an Advanced or Enterprise subscription to NoahFace.