5. Alternative Setup

5. Alternative Setup

Since you can only use one style of clock in policy at a time, there is an alternative setup that allows you to use other styles of clock in policies (ie: Tick Box or Web Page) together with temperature screening. This setup collects temperature measurements using a pop-up temperature screening window rather than through a clock in policy.

Select the Access Points menu and then the Access Point Types tab, and then either add or modify your access point type. For Time and Attendance applications:

  • Screen timeout. Set this to a higher than usual value (eg: 40 seconds) to allow time for employees to test their temperature.
  • Screen type. Set this to “Clock In/Out”.
  • Screen details. Configure your clock in button to pop-up a temperature screening window. For example:


in=Start Shift:temperature:Temperature:auto,

policies=I understand I am entering a dangerous work place;

I will wear a safety vest and hard hat at all times;

I am aware of the location of the first aid station

The colon separated components of the configured Clock In button are:

  • The label for the button. Eg: “Start Shift”
  • “temperature” - to trigger the pop-up temperature screening window.
  • The optional title of the pop-up window.
  • The optional mode of operation, which can be:
    • Auto. As soon as a temperature is read, the event is recorded.
    • Manual. The temperature is displayed and the employee must complete their sign in manually.

Note: Yes/No style policies are not supported with this alternative setup.

For example, your Screen details may be set to:


in=Clock In:temperature,

policies=I understand I am entering a dangerous work place;

I will wear a safety vest and hard hat at all times;

I am aware of the location of the first aid station

With this alternative setup, the screen flow on clock in is as follows:

In the case that an employee has an elevated temperature, they will see the following and an access denied event will be recorded: